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Swing, swing, swing.

Let me just say, I don't mind swinging at all, but if you try to take me to the park on 500 West and 500 North. There are NO swings. More than one guy has taken me to swing there.

The first time it was cute to seem the guy look around for the swings, and say well I thought that there would be swings here. (Keep in mind that we walked there). So of course being the kind person that I am . I said that there are swings at Kiwanis.

Now, a lot of you are probably thinking. "Wait a second! That is a super long walk."

Here is my response to that from one of my favorite authors--Jane Austen…

“Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn...”  (Persuasion).

Though it was a long walk it was still fun.


However, then we get to the second date. Trying not to be blunt, I asked where we were going swinging.  When gave a muddled answer, I added. "I don't think there are swings at that park maybe, we should go to a different park." Well, I suppose I should have been more blatant because when we got to the park, he also said that he thought there were swings there.

This time, however, I think he was a little embarrassed that he hadn't listened to me. The good new is that the moment was salvaged by the random middle age battle at the park.

It was serious business--the kind that ends up on reality TV. They had painted their faces, fashioned real-fake bow and arrows. If you were hit in the arm or leg you could not longer use them by the rules of the game.  There we were watching these grown men hobbling on their knees, holding one hand behind there back and using the other to wave a dull sword madly through the air.

The sad thing is that the battle lasted only 15 minutes. It made me realize how short middle age warrior's lives could be. I don't think this dawned on these people though because right after the battle they picked up the fallen gear and began a new battle.

There were several men who came over and offered to lend us there gear for the next battle. I probably would have gone for it, but I was just having too much fun watching them.


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